"Thor back with his mother again"

"Thor back with his mother again"

Read the Swedish version in Expressen here.

Mia Danielsson, 28 years old, has now been reunited with her son Thor, 17 months, said the orphanage said last night. The mother and her little boy are now protected by guards from the American Deparment of Foreign Affairs.

– The only thing we prioritise are Mia’s and Thor’s safety, says Gunilla Dahlin at the Swedish Embassy in Guatemala.

Yesterday evening, Swedish time, the case with the abducted boy Thor took a dramatic turn. Information came that Mia Danielsson and her lawyer Marco Tulio Mérida Cifuentes  were permitted to state the case at the family court in Chimaltenango.

– I cannot offer any comments right now, says the Swedish woman’s lawyer when Expressen spoke to him at midnight.

According to information to Expressen, Thor was collected at the orphanage Hanna’s Hope by Mia’s lawyer and another person at 2.00 pm local time.

– It was the lawyer Marco Tuilo Mérida Cifuentes and another person who came and collected the boy.
– They had a court order to collect Thor and, as far as I know, he has now been reunited with his mother, says the orphanage’s female director, Alejandra Diaz, to Expressen.
– They could not tell were they were going due to security reasons.

Fears for her safety
Mia Danielsson said earlier during the day that she fears for her and her son’s safety.

– I have guards protecting me from the American Deparment of Foreign Affairs. If I get Thor back, my ex-husband will become desperate. I fear for my life, she said hours before the court proceedings.

The Swedish Embassy have, together with the American Deparment of Foreign Affairs, produced a safety plan that was activated when Mia was reunited with Thor.

Safe house
The Swedish woman will stay at a safe house before she is taken out of Guatemala and returned to Sweden.

Mia’s soon to be ex-husband kidnapped the son after that a court in Los Angeles given the Swedish woman full custody. Thor was taken by car through Mexico to Guatemala were American authorities managed to track him down. Last week Mia Danielsson travelled to Guatemala City. Her soon to be ex-husband has tried to create a custody case, but the court rejected this request and chose to reunite Thor with his mother.

"Mia and Thor reunited"

"Mia and Thor reunited"

Read the Swedish version in Aftonbladet here.

Mia Danielsson has finally been reunited with her son. They both now live in a safe house while the investigation proceeds. In just a few days they hope to be at home in Sweden. Together with four male lawyers from Guatemala and a representative for the Swedish Embassy in Guatemala City, Mia yesterday went to the family court outside the city of Antigua.

Can be settled
There they demanded that the court procedures, earlier set to take place at May 6, would take place at an earlier date. Mia’s team of lawyers used court documents, translated into Spanish and brought from Los Angeles the day before yesterday. The documents prove that Mia has been given sole custody of her son, that was kidnapped by the child’s father, Andrew Wang, on February 12 this year.

– Given the documents, the judge may have given a verdict directly, says a person with insights in this case.

According to sources to Aftonbladet Mia has now reunited with her son. She is not allowed to leave Guatemala at present due to the ongoing investigation, but hopes to be able to bring Thor to Sweden soon. The boy’s father, who is wanted by the Interpol and is somewhere close to Antigua, is opposing the verdict. Due to safety reasons, Mia and Thor now live in a safe house were they are protected by security guards from the American Department of Foreign Affairs.

Read the Swedish version in Dagens Nyheter here.

Thor has been reunited with his moter. The Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed this on Thursday afternoon. The negociations in Guatemala continues but has been transferred to a new court.

Kidnapped in February
It was on February 14 this year that the then 15 month old Thor was kidnapped by his father. The same day Thor’s mother, Mia Danielsson, had been given sole custody of the son. Ever since the father is internationally wanted by the police and last week information came stating that he and Thor was in Guatemala. Mia Danielsson went there with representatives from American authorities to claim Thor back. Since they did not bring the complete documentation from the American court verdict, the case ended up in a court in Guatemala and Thor was placed in an orphanage.

The case regarding Thor Wang, 17 months, who was kidnapped by his father on February 14, seems to be coming near a solution. Today the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that Thor has been reunited with his mother Mia Danielsson, 28. The two are kept at a secret location in Guatemala. The negociations are still on-going but a solution is expected during the coming days.

– I can confirm that the child now is with it’t mother, says UD:s press officer Anders Jörle to DN.

As DN.se has earlier reported ,the court proceedings in Guatemala has been slow ever since Thor was found last week. Thor’s mother was given sole custody of Thor earlier this year by California’s supreme court. Ever since, the father has been internationally wanted by the police and this Friday information surfaced implying that Thor and his father was in Guatemala. Mia Danielsson, as her son, is both an American and Swedish citizen. The custody case, which is an American case, has been regarded as a local matter and Thor was placed in an orphanage to await a verdict. The case had then been at a central court in Antigua and nothing has happened. But now the case has been transferred to another court. Both Swedish and American authorities are very secretive and do not wish to make any further statements as not to place Mia and Thor in any danger. Now they are awaiting a juidical solution in Guatemala before Mia Danielsson and her son can return home.

Lea la versión en sueco Aftonbladet aquí.

Para recuperar a su hijo de 17 meses, Thor, de Guatemala, Mia Danielsson ha solicitado ayuda.  Pero, no puede contar en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Suecia para ayudarla.  “Parece que ellos lo esten ignorando por completo” dice Camila Gervide, amiga de Mia.

El nino Thor sueco/americano, de 17 meses, fue raptado por su padre este año en el dia de amor y amistad.  Despues de más de 2 meses, Mia Danielsson encontró a su hijo en Guatemala. Un tribunal de los EE.UU. le ha dado a la Señora Danielsson la custodia de su hijo, pero todavia no tiene permiso (de los tribunals guatemaltecos) para traerlo de regreso a casa.

“Los tribunales estan haciendo caso omiso de mi documentación. A ellos no les importa que el vocero de la INTERPOL haya dicho que este es un caso de rapto de un menor” dijo la Señora Danielsson, de 29 años ayer a Expressen.se.

Mia Danielsson ha solicitado desesperadamente ayuda legal, pero según el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, es muy difícil dar esa ayuda.

“Esto es, en primer lugar, un asunto de los EE.UU. puesto que el tribunal de los EE.UU. le ha dado a la madre la patria potestad. Eso quiere decir que el consulado americano en Guatemala tiene que hacerse cargo de este asunto en primer lugar, dijo Anders Jörle, jefe de prensa del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriors de Suecia.

“Sera más cuestion de darle apoyo moral a la madre, y mantenenerse en contacto con ella. Ya hemos hecho eso tambien.”

Puesto en un orfanato
Mientras espera una decicion judicial, Thor queda en un orfanato en Guatemala. El asunto sera manejado como un caso local de custodia, sin tomar en cuenta la orden judicial de los EE.UU.

Para poder estar cerca y asegurarse de tener un abogado, Mia ha solicitado donaciones. Sus amigos y blogers han reunido casi 100, 000 coronas suecas pero ese dinero esta desapareciendo.

Puesto que el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ve esto como un asunto de los EE.UU., la Señora Danielsson no puede contar con ninguna ayuda del gobierno sueco. “No es una decision del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; en cambio, es un asunto legislativo.  Es una cuestion de como la política ha formulado nuestras leyes, “ dijo Jörle

La amiga de la Señora Danielsson, Camilla Gervide, ha estado en contacto con el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y se esta desilucionada con la falta de ayuda del parte del Ministerio.

“La respuesta que recibí de Anders Jörle fue ‘ustedes han encontrado al niño, entonces seguramente esto se resolverá pronto. Buena suerte!’ No supe que decir, perdí la compostura”, dijo Gervide.

“Pueden tirar un medio millón de coronas para transportar a Annika Österberg, pero no pueden ayudar a una pobre madre a recuperar a su hijo.”

El jefe de prensa del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Anders Jörle respondió:“No recuerdo esa declaración. Creo que hay dos partes que fueron tomadas fuera de contexto. Pero considerando que los dos países [los Estados Unidos y Guatemala] reconocen la comisión de Hague, hay razón para creer que este asunto tendrá una solución. Eso es lo que probablemente le dije a ella.”

Expresesn.se habló con una fuente de información en la embajada sueca en la ciudad de Guatemala. Según esta fuente, la embajada seguirá de cerca el caso y dará el apoyo que puede dar.

"My eyes fill with tears as I see my son for the first time in more than two months"

"Mis ojos se llenan de lagrimas al ver a mi hijo por primera vez después de más de dos meses"

Lea la versión en sueco Aftonbladet aquí.

Mis ojos se llenan de lagrimas al ver a mi hijo por primera vez después de más de dos meses. Me duele el cerebro, me duelen los dedos, pero me duele más el corazón. Una tira de tristeza y estrés está atada alrededor de mi pecho y me hace respirar con dolor. En las horas agotadoras que acaban de pasar he pensado muchas veces que me quiero morir.

Necesito ayuda para hacer circular las noticias acerca de mi hijo. Este año, en el día de amor y amistad, se le llevaron a mi hijo Thor.  Íbamos a mudarnos de regreso a Suecia. Cuando, mi esposo a quien le pedí legalmente el divorcio hace más de un año, tomó a Thor, quien tiene 15 meses, y desapareció sin dejar huellas. No supe nada de mi hijo por dos meses, a pesar de buscarlo desesperadamente.

El viernes pasado, el 17 de abril, recibí una llamada telefónica urgente. Después tuve que viajar a Guatemala muy secretamente. Thor y estaba con Andrew en Antigua, una hora al norte de la ciudad de Guatemala, en Guatemala. Nerviosa y cansada, arribé a la ciudad de Guatemala el domingo, el 18 de abril, por la mañana. Un agente del Ministerio de Relaciones Externos de los EE.UU. me recibió en el aeropuerto. Me llevó a un hotel, y me dijó que no le abra la puerta a nadie, y que no conteste el teléfono a menos que sea particularmente la persona que me recogió del aeropuerto. Espero por horas. El carro que me lleva a Antigua esta llena de “personal de seguridad,” me explican. Los hombres tienen armas y el hombre del Ministerio de Relaciones Externos de los EE.UU. también está armado. En el carro también está Bárbara Armstrong, vicecónsul de los EE.UU. en Guatemala.

Esperamos por horas en Antigua. Esta muy caliente y tengo que estar escondida en el auto. Me ponen al corriente acerca de Thor. “Ahora el esta comiendo su almuerzo con la señora que lo esta cuidando” o “Ahora NN esta fuera de la casa, pero Thor esta en el hogar con la niñera.”  Estoy nerviosa. Estoy sudando y tengo hambre, pero no me atrevo salir del carro para pedir comida.

Cuando finalmente, una señora del tribunal me entrevista, en un edificio antiguo y desharrapado, veo a Thor a través de una ventana.  Las lagrimas brotan de mis ojos. Estoy temblando y Barbara me abraza.  Hay muchos agentes de policia, vigilantes y personas que no conosco se hacinan en la sala.  Hay mucha confusión y discusión, puesto que tengo un pasaporte de Suecia. “Donde esta su pasaporte americano?” No tengo uno. “ Entonces la vicecónsul tiene que abandonar la sala inmediatamente.” Yo quiero que Bárbara se quede, pero el abogado de Andrew (me enteré más tarde) insiste en que yo continúe sola. No soy americana. Aún cuando Bárbara le dice a él que ya lo verificaron y que sí, en realidad, soy ciudadana americana, aún que no tenga el pasaporte americano.

Cuando echan afuera a Bárbara, me quedo sola con muchos guatemaltecos. No son amistosos. Oigo a Thor, y temblo y lloro otra vez. Entiendo mucho de lo que dicen pero cuando contesto en mi español imperfecto, ellos fingen no entenderme. Uno de los hombres armados repentinamente me grita “Deja de llorar!” Yo le miro en estado de choque.  Me trago las lagrimas. El hombre pone la mano su rifle automático. “Nos perturba,” me dice él.

Me mandan al carro nuevamente. Bárbara me abraza. Yo lloro un poco más. Pronto, todo estará resuelto, me dice amablemente uno de los hombre del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de los EE.UU. Me llaman nuevamente al cuarto hediondo y húmedo que ellos llaman el tribunal. “Si Thor reacciona positivamente hacia ti cuando te ve,” dice una de las personas del tribunal, “entonces, quizás podrás llevarlo contigo de regreso a casa.”

Cuando entré al cuarto para ver a mi hijo por primera vez después de más de dos meses, mis ojos se llenan de lagrimas otra vez. Pero de nuevo, el cuarto esta lleno de gente. “Amigos” de Andrew (gente a quien él le esta pagando seguramente) se encuentran parados y sentados en el cuarto. Ellos me miran y me señalan. Andrew esta sentado con Thor.

Cuando empiezo a hablar con Thor, se me hace un nudo en la garganta. Trato de canturrear y sentarme cerca. Thor me reconoce, el me mira fijamente con los ojos bien abiertos. Yo solo quiero tirarme sobre el y abrazar a mi niño, pero entiendo que él esta confundido.

Andrew se enoja y dice en voz alta, en español, que es obvio que Thor no me reconoce y me dice que deberiamos acabar con esta payasada ahora mismo. Yo lo ignoro, pero varios hombres en el cuarto estan de acuerdo con el. Empiezo a entrar en pánico. Después de unos minutos, alguien sugiere que pongan a Thor en el centro del cuarto y pedirle que escoja con quien quiere irse. “Perfecto,” dice Andrew y casi echa a Thor en frente de mi. Thor se asusta muchísimo y casi corre de regreso hacia Andrew. Me siento profanada desde el fondo de mi alma. No tengo la oportunidad de abrazar a Thor o de jugar con él.

Thor esta exhausto y se lame los labios, puedo ver que tiene sed.  Pregunto si él ha comido o si le han dado algo de tomar durante las tantas horas que han estado sentados en este cuarto. No, pero a nadie le parece importante. Me pueden dar agua?  Pregunto en ingles. Todos pretenden no entender. Trato de decirlo en español, “agua, por favor?” pero me encuentro con la misma reacción.

Bárbara se va para llamar a sus contactos y para preguntar que van a hacer conmigo y mi hijo. Empiezo a perder la esperanza. Trato de jugar y de hablar con Thor que ahora esta muy cansado. Los hombres empiezan a hablar y a fumar a nuestro alrededor. Andrew suelta a Thor un poquito. Finalmente logro abrazar a mi hijo. Inhalo el aroma de su pelo. Abrazo sus delgadas piernas y brazos. Se pusó tan delgado! Pero finalmente lo tengo en mis brazos. No quiero dejarlo ir nunca. Es como si Thor realmente me reconociera mejor y se inclina hacia mi para besarme. Finalmente me muerde delicadamente el labio inferior. Andrew toma a Thor y con fuerza lo aleja de mi lado. El dice algo en español, acerca de la impropiedad de esto. De nuevo, los hombres a nuestro alrededor están de acuerdo con él.

Esta horrible situación continua por una, quizás por dos horas. No nos dan tiempo para estar a solos, y no tenemos agua ni comida.

Los representantes del tribunal toman una decisión repentina. Yo no soy suficientemente buena. Thor será enviado a un orfanato.

Pierdo la compostura y corro hacia fuera. Grito de tristeza por toda la calle fuera del tribunal. La gente para y me mira. Yo lloro, toso, grito todas las malas palabras que me se en ingles: “Ustedes chingados idiotas, imbeciles, putos, asquerosos, campecinos ignorantes” continuo hasta que uno de los hombres del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de los EE.UU. pone su mano sobre mi hombro, entonces caigo al suelo y todo se vuelve negro.

Se de otras cosas que pasaron después de eso. Abracé a Thor por un poco más,  pero estoy horrorizada. Estoy tan triste que estoy aturdida. Thor se va a ir a un orfanato, en Guatemala. La ultima vez que veo a Thor rezo con él. Le pido a mi madre y a todos los difuntos que conozco que me ayuden y que protejan a Thor de lo que esta a punto de pasar. Le rezo a Dios y le digo que si él quiere a Thor, que por favor cuide a mi pequeño hijo que está a punto de ser separado de mi lado. Rezo por sobrevivir los días siguientes, para tener suficiente fuerza para seguir adelante, sola, acá en Guatemala.

Sé que oras mas tarde, me encontré tirada en el asfalto y gritando, en las afueras del orfanato donde van a poner a Thor. Le grito a Bárbara y a todos los “ hombres de seguridad” que tendrán que matarme antes de moverme de la entrada del orfanato donde tienen a mi hijo. No me voy a mover hasta que manden a la guardia armada para cuidar la entrada. Finalmente, dos tipos de seguridad del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de los EE.UU. vienen a hacer precisamente eso.

Me levanto del suelo y me meto en el carro. Mi hotel esta a una cuadra del orfanato donde esta Thor, pero ahora no podré ver a mi hijo por unos días. Apenas empezó la audiencia en Guatemala.

Hoy he encontrado a un buen abogado, creo que llegará a Antigua para encontrarse con migo mañana, pero no he recibido ninguna confirmación de él. Necesito que ustedes den la voz. Necesito dinero para mi estancia en Guatemala. Necesito dinero para pagar al abogado. Necesito consejos y apoyo sobre que hacer para evitar que Andrew secuestre a Thor otra vez. Pero mas que nada, necesito que ustedes piensen en nosotros: necesito saber que no me han olvidado, que no han olvidado como me siento ahora. Yo pensé que el día que secuestraron a Thor era el peor día de mi vida. Estaba equivocada.  Ahora estoy en el infierno, el secuestro fue solo el comienzo.

Mia, en la ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala

Read the Swedish version in Expressen here.

New hope for Mia Danielsson. Kidnapped Thor, 17 months, can soon be reunited with his mother. Things are looking up but I dare not believe anything in advance, Mia says.

Expressen was there when Mia Danielsson was informed by Gunilla Dahlin, first secretary at the Swedish Embassy in Guatemala City. The court proceedings about Mia’s son Thor has now been transferred to a family court in Chimaltenango – which increases the Swedish woman’s chances to be reunited with her son.

– From the Embassy’s side we do not see a new custody battle emerging regarding Thor, there is no reason for that. Mia has already been given the custody in an American court and neither the mother, the father nor the child really has got anything to do with Guatemala, Gunilla Dahlins says.

Thor was abducted by his father on Valentine’s Day this year – shortly before an American court in Los Angeles had given Mia sole custody of the child. For two months Thor and his father disappeared without a trace – last week Mia was told that the son and his father was in Guatemala in Central America. The Swedish woman immediately boarded a plane from Los Angeles to Guatemala City and ever since a number of juidical events have taken place regarding the boy.

Not allowed to see Thor
Thor is now at the orphanage “Hanna’s Hope” in Guatemala City and Expressen yesterday accompanied Mia to the orphanage.

– According to the court verdict I am not allowed to see Thor. The whole case must be investigate first, explains Mia, who is receiving calming news from the orphanage’s female Director Alejandra Diaz and the pediatrician Francisco Castro, who has given the boy a medical exam.

– He is doing really well, there are no problems at all, says the doctor and Mia’s eyes fill with tears as she sees the recently taken photos of her son in the orphanage.

During the nexzt few days the court will likely exam the American court documents which states that Mia is Thor’s legal custodian.

– From then on things should go rather quickly until Mia can be reunited with her son, says Gunilla Dahlin at the Swedish Embassy.

– Things are looking up but I dare not believe anything in advance, Mia says.

– I will not dare to relax until we are at home in Sweden.

The phones do not stop ringing. The Swedish Embassy lent me a local cell phone yesterday and that is saving money. But now I have two cell phones. Two cell phones that are constantly ringing. In order to be able to get some sleep last night I shut off both of them for a whole six hours. I felt like a new mother when I rose this morning.

I have gone to Thor’s orphanage two days in a row now. It is hard being there, but at the same time it feels good. Thor is so close. Every time I come to Hanna’s Hope I am met by the female director, Alejandra Diaz. She slowly walks out through the side gate, five and a half months pregnant with a little girl. Every time we talk about Thor and how the case is progressing and the journalists are taking pictures. I would probably not come to the orphanage without the journalists. Partly because it is though but also because it is not safe for me to go around in Guatemala City alone. Today I met with Thor’s new pediatrician, Dr Castro. He is also a kind and smiling man who talked to me about how stable my son is, despite everything he is going through. My eyes fill with tears, but I am also happy. Happy that there is some sort of cruel justice. Thor is in an orphanage, which is terrible, but he is being looked after in the best possible way. As we often say, it is a blessing in disguise. Dr Castro also said that I must have taken really good care of Thor before all of this started.That Thor’s mother have given his a foundation on which to stand to be able to hold on and survive and thrive after all it means to be kidnapped and then kidnapped again and put in an orphanage. The doctor also said that nursing Thor has given Thor an  enourmous self confidence and strenght to know that his mother was there, night and day for 15 months.

Regarding this being though: there is really nothing that would surprise me at the moment. I live in fear that Andrew will somehow get hold of Thor and disappear again. I am afraid that it will take a long time to be heard in the court here. I was asked if I am concerned for my own safety. I laugh and say no. Nothing really scares me much anymore. I have been living in fear for so long. I have fought for Thor for such a long time now that I just go on. I live and breath and so does Thor. His safety is the most important thing to me and will be until my time is up. But of course it is hard. I am tired. I cry. But strenght comes from somewhere, God, the kindness of my fellow man, to know that Thor will return home soon; all of these factors make me go on for one more day.

But I had really only planned to write about five minutes. About the five minutes of fame that Andrew is trying to create for himself online and in Swedish media. He is using the same stories that he tried to convince the court in California about. They are unfounded, horrible, disgusting things he is accusing me of. Namely that I am a drug addict/alcoholist/prostitute. The only new thing are his accusations that I have abused Thor. I think Andrew is using the expression for abuse (on Spanish as it is in juidical documents that I have read that he claims that I have “abused” our child) because it is vague enough to leave his accusation open for interpretation. Have I abused Thor by hitting him or is it sexual abuse? The latter would clearly sound better in Guatemalan minds, this is despite everyting a catholic nation. A mother who is sexually abusing her son….yes you understand.

I do not know what Andrew has written on his web site. I do not care. I found out THAT he had written a lot, but I asked not to be informed of exactly what. These are his last five minutes of fame. They who know me, the Californian court that rejected Andrew’s claims as unfounded during ten months of trial (TEN months with expert witnesses, psychological evaluations of Andrew, Thor and me) says that Andrew is the liar. It is Andrew that is instabile, not suitable as a parent. And it is Andrew who kidnapped our child and took him to Guatemala to try to evade justice, truth and God.

I will let Andrew have his five minutes. And yes, I like tattoos (my sister had the time to say that there were pictures of the tattoo I have on my back on Andrew’s web site before I said that I did not want to know anything. He who is without guilt casts the first stone.

Thor’s mother Mia in Guatemala City

Read the Swedish version in Aftonbladet here.

Mia Danielsson had not seen her kidnapped son for two months. Yesterday she was allowed to see Thor, 1, for one hour. Then the Guatemalan authorities sent him to an orphanage.

– I just lay screaming on the ground. I was absolutely devastated, says Mia.

After a frantic two-month search Mia Danielsson was told by the American police that her kidnapped son Thor, 17 months, had been found in Guatemala. But her joy soon turned into chaos. Yesterday she was forced to meet with the kidnapper, the boy’s father, and hiw lawyer in a court in the city of Antigua, north of Guatemala city.

But the court did not approve of her documents from a court in Los Angeles, giving her sole custody of the child.

– The father claims that I have hurt the child before and that he tried to protect him by going to Guatemala. He says that this is their home. And they seem to be accepting his version, Mia says.

When the court procedure took place Mia saw Thor through a windon.

– I started to cry. Then they got angry with me and told me to stop.

While the court was in session, Mia was able to met with Thor in the basement during an hour together with the father and heavily armed guards. The court decided that Thor is to be at an orphanage until the matter can be settled. Mia cries when she says:

– I have not seen Thor for so long. And then they send him to an orphanage in Guatemala. It was like a bad B-movie.

When Thor yesterday was taken to the orphanage Hanna’s Hope in Guatemala City Mia broke down.

– Finally I just lay screaming on the ground outside, I was absolutely devastated.

The boy, who is both a Swedish and an American citizen, was kidnapped about two months ago. Aftonbladet has read the verdict and talked to a police investigator in Los Angeles who confirms that the father is a suspect of child concealment.

Bloggers and friends has managed to raise almost 100.000 crowns to help Mia find her son. But the Swedish Minstry of Foreign Affairs has not done much, according to Mia.

Anders Jörle at the press contacts at he Swedish Minstry of Foreign Affairs claims that the Swedish Embassy in Guatemala closely co-operate with the American embassy.

– The Americans “owns” this question and their consul has acted. The Americans want to have the father returned to the US since he has committed a crime in the US when he kidnapped the boy.

The court proceedings are to continue today but it may take some time.

– I hope that I can celebrate midsummer’s eve in the Stockholm archipelago with Thor and my friends, Mia says.

Aftonbladet has tried to reach Thor’s father.

Read the Swedish version in Expressen here.

Mia Danielsson was just metres away from her son Thor, 17 months, yesterday. Then the police tried to make her leave the orphanage. But I got to talk to the staff, it felt really good, says Mia Danielsson.

Swedish-American Thor, 17 months, was abducted by his father on Valentine’s Day this year. Fighting to see her son, that is just now placed on an orphanage in Guatemala City, Thor’s mother Mia Danielsson yesterday met with employees at both the Swedish and American embassies in Guatemala.

– It feels much better, now that I know that they are doing everything they can to help me, says Mia Danielsson.

Yesterday she also got an explanation as to why Thor was placed in an orphanage.

– Since I did not have a lawyer during the proceedings and since my papers were not correctly stamped, the court had no other option, says Mia Danielsson who yesterday visited the orphanage from the outside.

– The police came and tried to make me leave but I did manage to talk to the staff who ensured me Thor is doing well, says Mia.

Yesterday she also learned that Thor’s father has accused Mia of abusing the son.

– I am afraid of what he will do next but all the support I recieve strenghtens me, she says.

The Swedish Ambassador, Ewa Werner Dahlin, yesterday gave Mia her full support.

– It is terrible that such a small child has been placed in an orphanage, she says to Expressen.

Late last night Swedish time, the Ambassador waited for more information regarding this errand. Werner Dahlin was then going to speak to high-level political contacts to find out why the authorities has acted in this way.

– I have a strong suspicion that a number of juidical errors has been committed in this case, she says.

Read the Swedish version in Verdens Gang here.

Swedish Thor (1) held at orphanage in Guatemala. The mother is not allowed to take him home to Sweden.

For over two months Mia Danielsson has fought a desparate battle to get her 17 month old son back to Sweden. The Swedish-American boy, that was kidnapped on Valentine’s Day, has been located in Guatemala, according to Aftonbladet.

Had sole custody of the boy
Mia, that also has both a Swedish and an American citizenship, went through a difficult divorce with the boy’s father. She has been given sole custody of the child by the court in Los Angeles.  But the father never returned Thor. The little boy had vanished without a trace until American authorities could inform Danielsson of were he was.

– They have placed in in an orphanage and I am not allowed to take him home, says the mother in despair, who is also telling her story on her own blogg.

As a bad B-movie
On Saturday Danielsson met the boy’s father in a local court in Guatemala City.

– While we talked, I saw Thor through a window. I began to cry, she tells Aftonbladet.

She was allowed to see him but was not allowed to hold him. The boy is to remain at the orphanage until the case is settled.

– I have not seen Thor for such a long time and then he is to be at the orphanage. It is like a bad B-movie, the saddened mother says.