Post-Arlanda dream I must tell you that I am in no way closing the door on Andrew as a father in the future. I only see and feel that I will have Thor back soon. That doesn’t mean that Andrew will never see Thor again. Arlanda doesn’t mean that I will not remain in the U.S. to live with Thor, if this might bring Andrew back with our son.

Speaking of seeing Thor, I never posted all of the 41 pages long decision from the court regarding allowing my move-away. It simply is to much work to scan and then send to the moderator of this site, each scanned page is quite large in size and it’s time consuming for me. I try to focus on what I see as more important aspects of finding Thor than catering to people who are just curious about our situation. I will gladly fax people who say that they support Andrew this document. Also, I didn’t think most people would be interested in reading such a long document. I would also have to take out large parts involving names of witnesses on both sides, creating even more work for me to be able to post this document – to protect people who are not directly involved in our case.

The tentative Superior Court decision to allow me to move with Thor to Sweden required me to return with Thor every other month for the first six months, me paying for all transportation, lodging etc. After the initial first six months I was required to return Thor every 2-3 months, year round, until he was old enough to travel to the U.S. on his own. All on my bill.

The decision was not taken lightly, we had 7 days of grueling court over Christmas, and last day of court last year was on the eve of Christmas, December 24.

I was thus required to have Thor come see Andrew every other month or at most every three months. Andrew took Thor because that wasn’t enough for him. Andrew refused resolutely throughout our marriage, throughout our divorce, and the custody battle to even speak to me about other, more peaceful ways of solving this situation. There was never communication between Andrew and me. It was his way or the highway. Always.

The tentative decision wasn’t what Andrew wanted, so the took Thor. I believe a person needs two parents. My parents separated early on when I was just 3, I know more than Andrew does what it’s like to live far away (in my case across the country) from one parent. I never wanted this for my son. I wanted Andrew and me to come to an agreement. I didn’t want to have our home foreclosed, our assets depleted, fighting this out in court over Thor. I tried time and again to speak to Andrew. To have family members try to talk to him.

Andrew and I had court ordered mediation. I went in to the mediator saying that all I wanted was to be able to speak to Andrew face to face. The mediator, an elderly man, asked me to wait in the long, cold hallway at the courthouse. Andrew went in to speak to the man. 20 minutes later Andrew came out of the room and left. When I looked at the kind man’s face he just sadly shook his head. He never said a word to me and I left. Andrew wasn’t even willing to sit in the same room as me for a court appointed mediation.

Someone accused me of draining Andrew’s assets. During the 11 month long custody battle, that I did not want to engage in, I spent all of my assets, then most of my dad’s assets and still ran out of money. I started representing myself (called in pro per) and struggled to pay for all child care expenses (of which Andrew paid exactly 0 dollars, ever), miss work and thus income and take care of Thor all alone. Andrew decided stop paying child support in the fall of 08. He only started to pay, mind you, after months of going to court to get it ordered. In the spring and summer of 08 I didn’t work following the start of the divorce so that I could take care of Thor and Andrew paid no support until August 08. Then, Andrew paid support for three months and stopped.

William Bloch, my best friend’s dad who’s a great civil litigation lawyer (emphasis on employment law), stepped in to help me with the court case. He has worked pro bono (for free) since November 08. Without his continual aid I would not have managed to survive at all. Andrew all along retained the same attorney. As it turned out I was bare scraped after 10 months of court, and Andrew never paid his attorney a dime. He owes his lawyer 200,000 dollars. I know, because his lawyer was furious at our last court hearing and was yelling Andrew’s debt out for all to hear at the downtown court house.

And for people who post and email me saying that I deserve this I ask: Do you also feel that a woman who teases a guy and wears skimpy clothes deserves to be raped? Is that the manner in which “I brought this upon myself?” Like Thor deserves to be ripped from his mother because his dad would not accept a court decision to see his son every two to three months? Yes, indeed I must deserve to be raped in this manner, and a little 16 month old baby to then?

My heart goes on, full of love for my son, knowing that I will see him soon. How does your heart of stone fare then?